About Us

Anthony Sernotti and his wife, Elizabeth, began operating Sernotti Electrical Services, LLC in 2003. In 2018 the company celebrated 15 years of providing our customers with exceptional service. Anthony’s electrical interest began in high school where he worked as an electrical apprentice and joined the Ocean County Vocational Technical school to study. After graduating, Anthony became one of the youngest people to receive his New Jersey state electrical license at age 23. The Sernotti family has grown along with our company. They now have two daughters; Evelynn and Ava, two dogs; Bella and Bear, and a coop full of chickens.

Sernotti Electrical Services began and continues to grow with the support of our family and friends. Personal attention to service and detail helped to expand our business by making customers confident in sharing our name.

Call Us at (732) 349-3190

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